My Portfolio

Home Java Python Swift UI HTML/CSS/JS Other



Welcome to my Java project gallery. Below are the Java projects I've created thughout the past few years. Explore some of the code and the end product.

Snakes and Ladders Code
Snakes and Ladders

A snakes and ladders program that has a single and multiplayer option with the twist of an antidote.

Guess the Number Code
Guess the Number

A guess the number game that keeps tracks of your points and provides you with clues for how close to the number you are.

Guess the Word Code
Guess the Word

A guess the word game that allows you to guess a word from a specific category while also giving you hints throughout.

Situations Code

A game based off two situations to test ones ability to adress the situation.

Riddler Code

A classic game full of riddles to stump you where you can gain upto 30 points.

Rock Paper Scissors Code
Rock Paper Scissors

A three round rock paper scissors game where you're given oppportunities to earn points.

Game Center Code
Game Center

After running out of ideas for other games to created, I combined them all into a game center.

TicTacToe Code

A computer vs player tic tac toe game to relieve boredom.

Currency Converter Code
Currency Converter

A currency conversion program that allows you to convert from four very common currencies.

Karel Maze Code
Karel Portrait

A few Karel projects following a break from java.

Home Java Python Swift UI HTML/CSS/JS Other